Orange and green

I know , we have the same feeling, for one day a little warm with plenty of sunshine and deceives us think spring is here!!, Next day, super cold, wear boots and jackets again , this super cheerful orange long jacket, makes me feel full of energy, in the long-awaited transition from winter to spring, a very good way to lift our spirits, happy colors! you have a great day

Se que ustedes tienen el mismo sentimiento que yo, hace un dia un poco calientito, con mucho sol y nos engaña, pensamos la primavera esta aqui!!!!!!, proximo dia, super frio, a usar botas y chaquetas de nuevo, esta super alegre chaqueta larga en color naranja, me hace sentir llena de energia, en esa transicion tan esperada de invierno a primavera, una muy buena forma de levantarnos el animo, colores vivos y alegres! que tengan un bello dia.

Coat: JCPeney whortintong   Shoes: liliana shoes   Bag: DKNY see here

Necklace: H&M








4 thoughts on “Orange and green

  1. European Admirer of your work


    LOVE the orange coat! How can I get one to Holland?
    Besos to the girls, whom I unfortunately have not seen for a very long time…
    Your European Fashion admirer

    1. jcadena Post author

      Hi Ellen, is som nice to hear from you, we always use black coats in winter, but some color is good, ah?
      say to your family, specially your baby doll


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