Black and white 4

OK, we’re back with one of my favorite clothes, THE COAT, black and white, today is a really cold day, so far cost me pose for these pictures, especially because my photographer was my tripod and me!, But did not want to leave spend the day without doing it, and also want to talk about my super white summer shoes with a unusually small hell for my taste, I really like the clear detail, they are very comfortable and cute, have a nice day ladies!

O.K, estamos de nuevo con una de mis prendas favoritas, EL ABRIGO, en blanco y negro, hoy esta realmente frio, asi que me costo mucho posar para estas fotos, especialmente porque mi fotografo era mi tripode y yo!, pero no queria dejar pasar el dia, y ademas hablarles de mis super veraniegos zapatos transparentes y con un tacon inusualmente bajito para mi gusto, pero muy comodos y cute, que tengan un hermoso dia!


4 thoughts on “Black and white 4

  1. Wendy

    Hi Diana,
    Love you! love what you are doing! love the outfits and the shoes…please take me show shopping with you!!!

    Hugs and kisses…your friend Wendy

    1. jcadena Post author

      Hi wendy! I have this crazy thing with shoes, but finally I am here, my immediately purpose? getting better and better
      hugs and kisses for you too


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